Page 69 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 69

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             In 2022, the United Arab Emirates demonstrated its   Additionally, the UAE played a crucial role in
             robust commitment to Sustainable Development     boosting the food industry in Ethiopia. Through
             Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure),   this support, the UAE not only contributed to
             with disbursements totaling AED 415.5 million    the local industry but also helped enhance food
             (USD  113.1  million).  This  financial  support  was   security and economic stability in the country.
             distributed  among  several countries,  with a   Through these initiatives, the UAE is making
             notable focus on nine Least Developed Countries   a  significant  contribution  to  global  efforts  to
             (LDCs), which received 57% of the total aid.     build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive
                                                              and sustainable industrialization, and foster
             A  significant  portion,  87%,  of  the  UAE’s  total   innovation, in line with SDG 9. The strategic focus
             disbursements to SDG 9 in 2022 were structured   on LDCs underscores the UAE’s commitment
             as grants. This approach not only fosters        to  equitable  development  and  its  recognition  of
             infrastructure development, but also promotes    the particular infrastructure challenges faced by
             long-term economic growth and stability in these   these countries.

             Nearly  60%  of  the  2022  total  disbursements
             were directed towards the enhancement of road
             transport  infrastructure  across  ten  countries,
             eight of which are LDCs. This strategic investment
             aims to improve connectivity, stimulate local
             economies, and facilitate access to markets and

             Further  demonstrating  its  commitment  to
             supporting infrastructure  development, the
             UAE  also  made  significant  contributions  to  the
             development and maintenance of water and air
             ports. This included crucial support for seaports
             in Yemen and Somalia, which are vital lifelines
             for these countries, facilitating trade and the
             movement of essential goods and services.
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