Page 66 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 66

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                                                 Decent Work and
                   8                             Economic Growth

             Sustainable Development Goal 8 is ‘Decent Work
             and Economic Growth’. This goal aims to promote
             sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
             growth, full and productive employment and
             decent work for all by 2030.  SDG 8 focuses
             on improving labor conditions promoting
             entrepreneurship  and  innovation,  and  ensuring
             equal access to opportunities for all individuals.
             It aims to eradicate forced labor, modern slavery,
             and  child  labor.    The  goal  also  emphasizes  the
             need to achieve higher levels of productivity and
             economic  diversification.
             By achieving SDG 8, the global community aspires
                                                               Dubai Foundation for Women and Children conducts
             to build a world where everyone has access to
                                                               arts and crafts workshops.
             decent work and fair employment opportunities,    Source: Dubai Foundation for Women and Children
             fostering  inclusive  economic  growth  and
             prosperity for all.

                  Global Progress of SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
                  growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
                  The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated the worst economic crisis in decades and reversed progress
                  towards decent work for all. Although the global economy began to rebound in 2021, bringing some
                  improvement in unemployment, recovery remains elusive and fragile. Recovery patterns also vary
                  significantly across regions, countries, sectors and labour market groups. Developed economies are
                  experiencing a more robust recovery, while least developed countries (LDCs) continue to struggle
                  with weak economic growth and labour market fallout due to workplace closures. Many small firms,
                  particularly those in low- and lower-middle-income countries, are especially disadvantaged, with
                  limited capacity to remain viable. Labour market groups most affected by the crisis - women, youth
                  and persons with disabilities - are the last to recover. By the end of 2021, global economic recovery
                  had  been  hampered  by  new  waves  of  COVID-19  infections,  rising  inflationary  pressures,  major
                  supply-chain disruptions, policy uncertainties and persistent labour market challenges. The conflict
                  in Ukraine is expected to seriously set back global economic growth in 2022.
                  Source:  The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022
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