Page 63 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 63

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             The UAE’s commitment to SDG 5 extends beyond     36.7 million (USD 10.0 million) in 2022. The We-Fi
             hosting events that provide important avenues for   initiative aims to unlock the potential of women
             global discourse.  In 2022, the UAE’s financial   entrepreneurs by facilitating over AED 3.67 billion
             support to gender equality reached AED 51.8      (USD 1.00 billion) in financing.  The initiative aims
             million (USD 14.1 million).  This included core   to enhance access to capital, provide technical
             contributions to UN-Women as well as financial   assistance, and invest in projects and programs
             assistance provided to the United Nations        dedicated to supporting women and women-led
             Population Fund (UNFPA) to fund projects that    small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
             help prevent gender-based violence and offer
             Rohingya refuges in Cox’s Bazar integrated       Alongside these efforts and disbursements, two
             response services for sexual and reproductive    UAE donors - Abu Dhabi Shelter and Humanitarian
             health and women’s rights.  These on-going       Care Centre (Ewaa) and Dubai Foundation for
             initiatives led by the UNFPA aim to address urgent   Women  and  Children  –  are  also  dedicated  to
             humanitarian needs and challenges faced by       providing focused support for women.  This
             Rohingya refugees in the midst of the prolonged   report’s donor pages provide detailed information
             crisis,  saving lives  and  supporting vulnerable   about their contributions to SDG 5 in 2022.

             The UAE also reaffirmed its commitment to
             supporting World Bank’s Women Entrepreneurs
             Finance Initiative (We-Fi), and disbursed AED

               The Early Childhood Development Centers Project in Colombia aims to ensure that all children, including girls,
               have access to early childhood care and development services.
               Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
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