Page 59 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 59

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             Figure (16): Other supported SDGs Outlined in the UAE Foreign Assistance Policy, by SDG and Income
             Level (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                        Goal 4                                               Goal 9
                        QUALITY EDUCATION                                    INDUSTRY, INNOVATION
                                                                             AND INFRASTRUCTURE
                         USD  118.5 million
                                                                             USD  113.1 million
                                          Value  Percentage
                                                                                               Value  Percentage
                Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                                           73.9   62%                Least Developed Countries
                                                                                                64.9   57%
                Least Developed Countries
                                           18.7   16%                High Income
                                                                                                26.6   24%
                Upper Middle Income
                                           14.2   12%                Lower Middle Income
                Lower Middle Income                                                             17.4   15%
                                            7.0     6%               Upper Middle Income
                High Income                                                                      4.3    4%
                                            4.5     4%
                Low Income
                                            0.2   0.2%                      Goal 8
                                                                            DECENT WORK AND
                                                                            ECONOMIC GROWTH
                         Goal 7                                             USD  26.3 million
                         AFFORDABLE AND                                                      Value Percentage
                         CLEAN ENERGY                              Least Developed Countries
                                                                                              15.0   57%
                         USD  41.1 million
                                                                   Upper Middle Income
                                           Value Percentage                                    5.7   22%
                Upper Middle Income                                Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                                           27.3   66%                                          2.9   11%
                Least Developed Countries                          High Income
                                           12.2   30%                                          1.5    6%
                High Income                                        Lower Middle Income
                                             1.6   4%                                          1.1    4%
                Lower Middle Income
                                          0.005 0.01%

                         Goal 5                                            Goal 13
                         GENDER EQUALITY                                   CLIMATE ACTION
                         USD  14.1 million                                 USD  4.5 million
                                            Value Percentage                                  Value Percentage

                 Unspecified (Multi-country programs)              Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                                            13.1   93%                                         4.3  96%
                 Least Developed Countries                         Least Developed Countries
                                              1.0   7%                                         0.2   4%
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64