Page 74 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 74

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


                   The global humanitarian landscape in 2022 was   In response to these stark realities, the UAE
                   plagued by mounting challenges. “The Global   remained committed to its humanitarian efforts
                   Humanitarian Overview” report highlighted   throughout 2022, responding to the needs of
                   a steep surge in humanitarian needs, with   millions of people worldwide. Despite a decrease
                   requirements escalating to AED 189.89 billion   in the volume of its humanitarian aid in 2022
                   (USD 51.7 billion) and the number of people   and its proportion relative to developmental aid
                   requiring aid in 63 countries climbing by nearly   in 2021, the UAE’s commitment to alleviating
                   40%  to  326  million.                     suffering and upholding human dignity
                                                              remained unwavering.
                   Forced  displacement,  which  affects  over  1%
                   of the global population, showed no signs   The 2022 disbursements for humanitarian
                   of slowing after two decades.    The majority   assistance amounted to AED 1.60 billion (USD
                   of these displacements stem from conflicts,   435.9 million), targeting 47 countries with
                   disasters and extreme weather events, while   considerable humanitarian needs, including
                   the largest global food crisis in modern history   15 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The
                   puts hundreds of millions at risk of worsening   most significant recipient was Ethiopia, which
                   hunger. Added to these are the repercussions of   is grappling with the devastating impacts of
                   climate change, the threat of global recession,   drought,  conflict,  and  violence,  leading  to
                   and the unattainability of the global extreme   displacement and humanitarian needs for 28.6
                   poverty eradication target by 2030. These global   million people.   The UAE’s 2022 humanitarian
                   crises are further exacerbated by disruptions in   assistance to Ethiopia reached AED 334.8
                   education, resulting from forced displacements   million (USD 91.1 million), representing 21% of
                   and the ramifications of the pandemic.     the UAE’s 2022 humanitarian aid.
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