Page 85 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 85

Section 03
                                                                                    UAE Humanitarian Assistance

             Emergency water and sanitation

             In 2022, the UAE took proactive steps to address the   Backing this noble endeavor, in 2019, the UAE has
             pressing needs for emergency water and sanitation,   pledged a significant sum of AED 110.2 million (USD
             particularly in regions grappling with acute water   30.0 million). Of this, AED 3.9 million (USD 1.05 million)
             scarcity. Sinjar, in Iraq, stands as a poignant example   was  disbursed  in  2022.  Parallel  to  this,  in  Somalia,
             of such areas, where access to clean water—      the UAE’s commitment persisted, as it continued to
             universally recognized as a fundamental human right—  champion projects that ensure the provision of safe
             remains alarmingly scarce. The aftermath of conflicts   drinking water to its residents.
             has left  the inhabitants of  Sinjar  contending with
             severely compromised water, sanitation, and hygiene   Yet, the nation’s efforts surpass mere immediate
             (WASH) infrastructures. The majority of returnees are   relief.  The  UAE  ardently  champions  global  advocacy
             confronted with the daunting realities of polluted water   for humanitarian causes, seeking to amplify the
             sources.  Given  the  economic  strains,  bottled  water,   voices of those most vulnerable. As the country
             though safer, is often beyond their means, leading   strides  towards  becoming  a  nexus  for  humanitarian
             many to consume potentially harmful, contaminated   discourse  and  research,  initiatives  like  the  Dubai
             water, risking their health.                     International  Humanitarian  Aid  and  Development
                                                              (DIHAD) and the International Humanitarian City serve
             Understanding the gravity of this situation, Nadia’s   as pivotal platforms. The strategic positioning of the
             Initiative embarked on an ambitious endeavor to   UAE,  especially  as  it  hosts  numerous  international
             rejuvenate the WASH facilities in Sinjar. This includes   organizations, reinforces its stature as the world’s most
             pivotal establishments such as schools, clinics,   significant  hub  for  humanitarian  operations.  As  the
             farms, and villages. But beyond mere reconstruction,   year 2022 has demonstrated, the UAE’s contributions
             the initiative emphasizes the importance of water   extend beyond mere financial or material support
             management training and hygiene education. By    towards global humanitarian assistance; they resonate
             doing so, it seeks to instill a sense of empowerment   with a deeper ethos of global unity, compassion, and
             within the community, enabling them to autonomously   shared  responsibility.
             maintain their water sources and adopt healthier living

                A well drilling project in Somalia as part of an urgent relief campaign for Somalia.
                Source: Dar al Ber Society
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