Page 80 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 80

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Emergency Health

             Disasters and emergencies inflict detrimental impacts   as a crucial focal point of the UAE’s emergency health
             on the health and wellbeing of millions globally every   initiatives.  With over 760,000 refugees primarily from
             year. They can engender immediate health ramifications,   Syria, along with significant groups from Iraq, Yemen,
             as seen in the injuries from earthquakes, floods, and   Sudan, and Somalia, Jordan received AED 73.3 million
             similar hazards. Moreover, they can also trigger longer-  (USD 20.0 million) from the UAE in 2022. This aid
             term public health crises following the initial disaster.   was primarily directed towards providing essential
             Such situations can occur when health services are   medicines, medical supplies, and treatment, as well as
             devastated or depleted, when surging needs outstrip   financing the monthly operational cost of the Emirati
             the capacities of existing health systems, or when   Jordanian Field Hospital and field hospitals in the
             immediate health risks are inadequately managed.  refugee camps.

             In 2022, the UAE prioritized addressing these    In response to the catastrophic earthquake that struck
             challenges, disbursing AED 325.8 million (USD 88.7   Paktika and Khost provinces in Afghanistan on June 22,
             million)  towards  projects  related  to  the  emergency   2022, causing extensive destruction and claiming over
             health sector. This was the second-largest segment of   a thousand lives, the UAE sprang into immediate action
             the UAE’s humanitarian assistance in 2022, reaching   and mobilized AED 55.1 million (USD 15.0 million) in
             10 countries, including four of the world’s Least   funds. Launching a substantial relief operation, the
             Developed Countries (LDCs). Liberia and Jordan were   UAE dispatched three aircrafts laden with a 1,000
             the  primary  beneficiaries,  receiving  23%  and  22%,   sqm mobile hospital. This field hospital, equipped with
             respectively, of the UAE’s aid to the emergency health   two state-of-the-art operating rooms and 75 beds,
             sector.                                          was designed to deliver  crucial medical  aid to the
                                                              earthquake victims.
             Liberia, grappling with the severe health system impact   This swift humanitarian response was part of the
             of the COVID-19 pandemic, emerged as the leading   UAE’s ongoing  commitment to  providing emergency
             recipient of  the UAE’s emergency  health projects in   aid during crises. The air bridge operation, facilitated
             2022. The UAE allocated AED 73.5 million (USD 20.0   by the UAE, aimed to ensure a continuous flow of
             million) to Liberia, as the pandemic disrupted the   assistance in the aftermath of the disaster.
             continuity of  essential health services  and created  a
             myriad of competing priorities in the country’s health   In addition to the field hospital, the UAE also dispatched
             sector. As a part of this support, the UAE is funding the   16 metric tonnes of essential equipment along with a
             construction and equipping of a large-scale hospital in   skilled medical team. Their mission was to operate the
             Gbarpolu County, featuring 125 beds and spanning an   hospital efficiently, providing urgent medical services
             area of 80,000 square meters.                    to those affected by this devastating natural calamity.

             The UAE has been particularly attentive to Jordan, a   In Palestine and Ukraine, the UAE made substantial
             country bearing the substantial challenge of hosting   contributions of medical resources. Over 85 tons of
             the second-highest number of refugees per capita in   essential medicines,  medical supplies,  and medical
             the world.   Given this context, Jordan has emerged   equipment were provided to Palestine, while Ukraine
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