Page 84 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 84

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Emergency Education

             The global crisis of child displacement, as indicated by   concept known as “School in the Clouds”. Pedago’s award-
             UNICEF’s estimate of 35 million forcibly displaced children   winning interactive learning system offers a world-class
             worldwide, and the fact that nearly half of school-age refugee   high school curriculum based on the national curriculum of
             children are out of school, is a sobering reality.   In 2022, the   host countries. The program tested their acclaimed Smart
             UAE reaffirmed its commitment to uninterrupted education for   Educational Technology platform in Jordan, using its ‘Active
             children affected by humanitarian crises, and provided AED   Learning’  approach  to  enhance  learning  outcomes  and
             4.7 million (USD 1.3 million) to launch emergency education   increase ‘Tawjihi’ pass rates among vulnerable Jordanian
             projects in Bangladesh, Jordan, Kenya, and Yemen.  students and Syrian refugees, through both blended in-class
                                                              learning and independent study.
             In Bangladesh, the UAE partnered with BRAC in the Rohingya
             Refugees’ Education and Protection Support Program, serving   In Kenya, the UAE supported two programs designed
             the community in Cox’s Bazar, where over 720,000 Rohingya   to  protect,  educate,  and  empower  unaccompanied  and
             refugees reside. This project catered to the educational needs   separated refugee girls and young women. In addition to
             of 28,000 children residing in refugee camps, complemented   improving  access,  retention,  and  learning  outcomes  for
             by provisions for WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) and   bright and vulnerable refugee and host community girls,
             critical Non-Food Items (NFIs).  This initiative forms part of   the programs also involved the procurement of equipment,
             a broader sector response plan addressing the educational   learning materials, and furniture to operate a boarding school.
             needs of refugee children.                       In Yemen, the UAE expedited the delivery of over 16 tons of
                                                              school supplies, bolstering educational resources in a context
             In Jordan, the UAE facilitated access to knowledge by providing   where basic supplies can make a significant difference.
             5,000 books in Arabic and English for children residing in   These  initiatives  demonstrate  the  UAE’s  continued
             refugee camps. The UAE further endorsed the “Education in   commitment to addressing the global education crisis among
             Emergencies”: “School in the Cloud” - High School Refugee   displaced children, employing both conventional means
             Education Re-imagined’ program. This initiative incorporates   and innovative tech-based solutions to ensure continuity of
             Pedago, an educational technology company’s innovative   education amidst challenging circumstances.

                ERC distributes school bags, stationery to students in Omdurman, Sudan.
                Source: Emirates Red Crescent
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