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His Excellency Ahmed Al Sayegh participates in Asia Cooperation Dialogue Ministerial Meeting

Tue 25/6/2024

His Excellency Ahmed bin Ali Al Sayegh, Minister of State, participated in the 19th Ministerial Meeting of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), which was held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The meeting was chaired by the Islamic Republic of Iran, under the theme “Towards an Asian Community through Enhanced ACD.”

In his remarks, His Excellency Al Sayegh reaffirmed the UAE’s unwavering commitment to multilateral engagement in priority areas such as climate change, food and water security, sustainable development, and healthcare.

H.E. highlighted the importance of regional cooperation to seize future opportunities and tackle shared challenges. Furthermore, H.E. underlined the importance of the ACD framework to enhance cooperation and build bridges across Asian communities, and reaffirmed the UAE’s steadfast support for the ACD initiatives.

H.E. Al Sayegh reiterated the UAE’s condolences to the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the recent passing of the late President Dr. Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

With regard to the Gaza war, H.E. affirmed the UAE steadfast position in calling for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in line with the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and reaffirmed the UAE's position calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, H.E. highlighted the country’s resolute efforts to ensure that the international community's response enables the safe, sustainable, and unhindered delivery of humanitarian and relief to all regions of Gaza, and secures the arrival and distribution of aid through all available means, including land, sea and air to alleviate the critical humanitarian conditions faced by the residents of the Gaza Strip due to this ongoing war.


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