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UAE Embassy in Brasilia celebrates 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between UAE and Brazil

Thu 13/6/2024

The UAE Embassy in Brasília organized a special event to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Federal Republic of Brazil.  The event was attended by His Excellency Rodrigo Pacheco, President of Brazil’s Congress and Senate, Her Excellency Sonia Guajajara, Brazil’s First Minister for Indigenous Peoples, His Excellency Carlos Lupi, Minister of Social Security, His Excellency Paulo Teixeira, Minister of Family Agriculture, His Excellency Ambassador Laudemar de Aguiar, Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion, Science, Technology, Innovation, and Culture representing the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, and Admiral Renato Rodrigues de Aguiar Freire, Chief of the Joint General Staff, as well as several Brazilian officials.

Her Excellency Mariam bint Hareb Almheiri, Head of International Affairs Office at the Presidential Court, delivered a speech highlighting the close relations between the two countries over the past 50 years, evident by the exchange of high-level visits, as well as the distinct and active presence at various international events organized by both countries.

H.E. Almheiri emphasized that the UAE and Brazil have established a deep-rooted and dynamic partnership over the last 50 years, characterized by a wide-range of economic relations and strategic cooperation covering global issues, in addition to providing mutual support within international platforms. Bilateral relations also continue to grow, reinforcing further prospects for cooperation as well as mutual benefits in the coming years.

H.E. Almheiri also stated that the exchange of high-level visits between the two nations affirm the shared interest in bolstering the strategic partnership between both countries. in this regard, H.E. said: “His Excellency President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva paid two historic visits to the UAE after within one year.

On the strategic level, Her Excellency emphasized that the relations between the two countries encompass a wide range of sectors, including trade, investment, energy, defense, food security, agriculture, science and technology, tourism, culture, and sustainability.

Furthermore, Her Excellency said: “These areas highlight the diverse and comprehensive nature of the multiple bilateral commitments,” emphasizing that bilateral trade continues to grow, placing Brazil as the UAE's top trading partner in Latin America, while the UAE is regarded as a center for Brazilian products in the Middle East and North Africa.

Her Excellency added: “The two countries have welcomed bilateral cooperation across several fields, including space, culture, sport and renewable energy. The UAE is also welcoming of the partnership with Brazil in the Development Acceleration Program in infrastructure and the food security sector, which aligns with Brazil’s major production and the UAE’s supply of these products to the Middle East.”

Her Excellency also highlighted the importance of flights connecting the UAE to Brazil, and their role in increasing trade, cultural, and tourist exchange between the two nations.
For his part, His Excellency Pacheco commended the strategic partnership between the two countries. He also expressed his appreciation for his role as the President of the Brazil-UAE parliamentary group in the Federal Senate, which is considered a distinct forum for the development of parliamentary diplomacy and strengthening collaboration between the legislative chambers of the two countries. The forum also aims to continuously improve initiatives that regulate and enhance bilateral relations. This is particularly evident in the ratification of two agreements on facilitating investments and cooperation, and mutual assistance on customs.

Furthermore, H.E. Pacheco commended the outcomes of the parliamentary visits conducted to the UAE, in addition to his meeting with His Excellency Saqr Ghobash, President of the Federal National Council, that was held in the capital, Brasília.

On the occasion of celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Brazil, His Excellency Saleh Ahmed Al Suwaidi, UAE Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, commended the close strategic partnership between the two countries, highlighting that the pillars laid by both leaderships are extremely solid and support the further advancement of relations between the two nations.  

H.E. Al Suwaidi said: “What distinguishes the achievements of diplomatic relations over the last 50 years is the fact that these relations have encompassed all sectors, including politics, economy, investment, culture, education, defense, technology, sports and developmental fields.” He emphasized that the future of these diplomatic relations is advancing towards new promising prospects during the coming years. This is particularly in light of the UAE’s membership in BRICS, in addition to the existing close cooperation with Brazil in the fields of sustainability, COP30, energy transition, as well as the bilateral developmental cooperation between the UAE and Brazil within multilateral organizations.

H.E. Al Suwaidi also commended the cooperation and support received by the UAE mission in Brazil from all entities in Brazil, reflecting the close ties and strategic partnership between the two countries.
For his part, the representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Ambassador Aguiar delivered a speech where he underscored that the UAE’s membership in BRICS will strengthen the group's work, and lead to new paths in the political and economic coordination between Brazil and UAE, which has reinforced its position as a primary destination for Brazilian exports in the region and in the field of investments.
The event included cultural activities consisting of shows presented by UAE and Brazilian artists embodying the deep-rooted diplomatic relations, especially in the cultural and heritage fields, which were showcased and celebrated by participants and the Brazilian media.

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