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Attestation of educational certificates/ birth certificates/ marriage contracts/ powers of attorney/ commercial documents/ invoices. What are the fees and the attestation procedure?

• Attestation fee for ordinary certificates (non-commercial, such as: academic certificates, birth certificates, marriage contracts and powers of attorney) is $ 41.

• Attestation fee for commercial documents is $ 545.

• Upon submitting the original documents certified in Public Service Hall of Georgia to the consular section of the Embassy, the holder of the document will be provided with information about the fees and the method of payment.

Can citizens of the United Arab Emirates use the UAE driving license to drive in Georgia?

Citizens of the United Arab Emirates can use can driving license issued in the UAE for a period of one year. The Driving license must be translated into Georgian and legalized at the local notary bureau.

Can I apply for a tourist visa of the UAE via the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Tbilisi?

The Embassy of the United the Arab Emirates in Tbilisi issues visas to holders of diplomatic passports and special passports on the basis of a verbal note from the diplomatic mission. For regular passport holders, you may apply for a visa via any of Emirati airlines operating in Georgia or tourist companies, provided that you have purchased a ticket through them.

Do the citizens of the United Arab Emirates need entry visa to visit Georgia?

Citizens of the United Arab Emirates may enter and stay in Georgia without a visa for 1 (one) full year.

What are Emergency numbers in Georgia?

Common Emergency number in Georgia is 112.

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