Page 4 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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                   Presenting  the 14th  edition of the United   and propels global efforts towards creating a
                   Arab Emirates (UAE) Foreign Aid Report, this   future that is not only more prosperous, but
                   comprehensive document, the UAE Foreign    also more equitable for all.
                   Aid 2022, provides an in-depth overview of the
                   UAE’s  international  cooperation,  development   In the ensuing pages, the report delves deeper
                   assistance, and humanitarian relief efforts   into the strategic focus areas, funding sources,
                   throughout 2022. More than a showcase of   aid modalities, and geographical distribution
                   annual accomplishments, the report discerns   of the UAE’s foreign assistance. Building on
                   multi-year trends and underscores the UAE’s   the robust foundation of its foreign assistance
                   enduring commitment to enhancing life quality   policy,  first  laid  out  in  2016  and  updated
                   and alleviating poverty globally. Anchored in   in  2022,  the  UAE  reaffirms  its  unwavering
                   a deeply-imbued culture of philanthropy and   commitment to global issues such as poverty
                   humanitarianism, the UAE remains resolute in   alleviation, women’s and girls’ empowerment
                   fostering global peace and prosperity.     and protection, education, health, food security,
                                                              climate action, infrastructure development, and
                   Curated by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs   science, technology and innovation.
                   (MOFA), this report shines a light on the
                   collective contributions of over 30 UAE donor   Through its ‘demand-driven’ approach, the UAE
                   entities, each diligently contributing  towards   specifically targets neglected issues and under-
                   these noble aims. This report encapsulates   supported communities, working synergistically
                   the UAE’s vision and values, paying tribute   with bilateral and multilateral organizations, the
                   to the foresight of its leaders and the guiding   private sector, and local partners. Ultimately,
                   principles  bestowed by its founding fathers.  this report stands as a testament to the UAE’s
                                                              firm  commitment  to  foster  an  equitable,
                   Reflecting  the  UAE’s  firm  commitment  to   sustainable world, contributing meaningfully
                   transparency, the report is a collaborative   towards the global Sustainable Development
                   endeavor  with   numerous   stakeholders,  Goals (SDGs).
                   effectively acting as a guiding light that inspires
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