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UAE reiterates commitment to upholding human rights.

Thu 01/3/2018

Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al Jarman, Assistant Minister for Human Rights and International Law of the United Arab Emirates, stated that the UAE continues to adopt strategies and plans aimed ensuring empowerment of women, youth and people with special difficulties, and strengthening education. The country also works to uphold labour rights, particularly those of domestic workers, and the involvement of women in political, social and economic decision-making centres.

Delivering the UAE address before the high-level segment of the Human Rights Council's 37th Session in Geneva on Tuesday, Al Jarman reiterated the UAE's commitment to upholding and protecting human rights, noting that the government had presented the UAE's third national report at the UN Human Rights Council as part of the Council's Universal Periodic Review, UPR, of Human Rights which elaborated on the progress that the UAE has made in promoting and protecting human rights, including its intention to set up an independent national human rights committee during 2018, on the basis of the internationally-accepted Paris Principles.

''The UAE continues to develop national plans and strategies based on values of openness, tolerance and rejection of hatred and discrimination. These strategies underline the advanced rankings the UAE has occupied in international indexes regarding human development, happiness, rule of law and others,''Al Jarman said.

With regards to workers' rights, he stated that the government had set up a number of services centres in labour-sending countries as part of its efforts to protect their rights before they arrive the country.

On empowerment of women, he affirmed the UAE's firm belief in the strong presence of women in political, social and economic decision-making positions, adding that figures showed women account for 43 percent of the workforce, 66 percent of government jobs and 30 percent of senior leadership positions.

On the situation across the Arab region, he said the Arab world is beset with multiple and prolonged crises and challenges which have had their bearing and dire sequels on the people of the entire region, reaffirming in this respect the UAE’s principled stance on prioritising a political solution to the situation in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Palestine. He called upon the UN Security Council to double efforts to assuage the suffering of the region’s peoples and put an end to the litany of human rights violations.

On Yemen, Al Jarman said the UAE is continuing to work under the pro- legitimacy Arab Coalition to help the Yemenis survive the untold suffering they are going through, noting that the UAE has provided more than US$ 2.5 billion in humanitarian aid to this Arab country since 2015.

"The UAE and Saudi Arabia last month pledged to provide $1.5 billion for Yemen to survive their ongoing suffering," he said, remarking that this amount accounts for more than 50 percent of the funds needed under the UN Plan on Yemen to respond to the humanitarian crisis in this Arab country in 2018.

On Syria, the diplomat reiterated the UAE's firm stand that continued regional interferences undermine all endeavours to provide a political solution that ensures the unity and territorial integrity of Syria.

"The UAE calls on all parties concerned with the Syrian crisis to adhere to international efforts aimed at putting an end to all acts of violence against civilians and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to all Syrians," he added.

On Libya, the diplomat said the UAE supports all internal and regional efforts to ensure national reconciliation, security and stability across all Libyan territories, noting that peaceful dialogue between all parties is the only way to support the political process led by the UN Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salama.

He underlined the UAE’s support for Iraq in its fight against Daesh and for all efforts being exerted to maintain the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq.

He in this regard lauded the efforts made by Kuwait, notably the recent conference on the rehabilitation of Iraq during which the UAE pledged to provide US$500 million in financial aid.

On Palestine, Al Jarman said the UAE considers the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories as a main factor behind the state of instability in the region and leads to further acts of terrorism.

He noted the necessity of reaching a peaceful settlement to the Palestinian cause on the basis of the two-state solution, with Al Quds as the capital of Palestine in line with relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Concluding, Al Jarman affirmed the keenness of UAE, in its capacity of a member of the Human Right Council, to continue to protect and strengthen human rights and cooperate with all UN human rights agencies.

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